Return Again How to Do Your Own Past Life Regression Pdf

Have you ever thought well-nigh who you were in a by life or wondered how to do a past life regression meditation?

In this article, larn how to do a vivid by life regression session. Go tips for an authentic experience and know what to expect.

Yous tin practise this past life regression on your ain by reading through the session and and so going into a meditative land. Although you can perform your ain session, having a friend mediate your session is highly recommended.

Included in this commodity is a full past-life reading for your session. You can download the entire reading as a PDF document using the link at the end of the article.

Please annotation that this meditation for past lives is for entertainment purposes just. It is also intended for those xviii years and older. This by life regression session is non a substitute for professional person therapy, professional mental health care, or medical care. And results are not guaranteed. Delight talk with your medical doctor about whatever health concerns you may have including mental health concerns. For more information, please encounter the privacy policy and disclosures.

*This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you for products you lot purchase via this website. For more data click hither.*

past life regression meditation

What to look from a past life regression meditation

Admittedly no results of whatever kind are guaranteed from this by life regression meditation. You lot may have no past life visions or intuitive feelings, or you may have a powerful and vivid feel of your former life/lives.

There is no definitive scientific inquiry to evidence the existence of past lives or reincarnation. But there are many fascinating stories and accounts of those who claim to know about their past lives. Your own perceptions, sense, and intuition is your all-time guide.

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My own past life regression experience

In 2014, I went to a metaphysical shop and had a professional past life regression meditation experience with the aid of an intuitive healer. Information technology was extremely center-opening. What I saw from my past life both made consummate sense on an intuitive level and caught me by accented surprise. I could never have guessed what I saw.

I was a immature homo, just I was myself fully. I felt like myself as I am now. I had a female spirit/soul.

To exist me inside a male body was truly shocking. Every bit someone who identifies every bit highly feminine, I never imagined being a different gender in a past life. I figured I would still be female.

In fact, I never imagined existence me at all in another life. I idea I would be a completely different person on the within likewise as on the exterior in a past life. This was not the case.

What I encountered in my meditation was a traumatic former life. There were parallels to my life now. I came out of the session in tears. Just I'm glad I had the regression feel. It explained a lot.

Your past life may have been quite happy. Or sad. I'thou sharing my experience to let you know that your past life/lives could range from happy to horrible.

I won't get into farther detail here. If y'all're curious, ask me in the comments and I will elaborate.

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For best results with your past life meditation session

Practice not read through the session questions and instructions beforehand. You don't want to develop a preconceived idea of the experience before your bodily past life regression session. Rather, y'all want what comes up during your meditation to be pure.

(If you lot have no intention of performing this past life regression or are simply curious, go correct ahead and read through the session whatever time.)

The session instructions are bachelor as a free PDF printable download at the terminate of this article through the link provided.

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What you will need to begin

To get started, you volition need a tranquility, semi-night room.

There should exist no shadows, no glint of light coming through a crack in the door. Simply a calming, darkened (but non pitch dark) room.

You should have no sound distraction. No chance of a cell telephone beeping, and no outside noises.

In that location should be no smells, other than mayhap some incense, sage, or a scented candle.

And yous demand a comfortable place to lay downwardly on your back. Not besides cushy, not also many pillows, just a simple spot on the carpeting will practise. Become comfy but not every bit if you're going to sleep for the night.

Brand certain you are not likewise full, or hungry. Brand sure your torso feels comfy and relaxed.

Ultimately, what you are aiming for is a minimum sensory distraction. That means minimizing annihilation that draws attention from your 5 senses (sight, sound, touch, gustatory modality, and odor.) This is so that you tin have clearer and more powerful access to your 6th sense.

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Why you lot should have a friend read the past life regression questions

Equally mentioned, it helps to take another person read you lot the past life regression questions presented in this article.

The person reading the past life questions is known equally the mediator of the session, while the other person (you) has the actual meditation experience.

Having a mediator enables you to recall about and feel/sense the answers to the meditation questions more easily. This is considering a mediator helps with eliminating distractions. For example, having a mediator read you the meditation questions eliminates the distraction of reading the questions yourself. And of belongings the actual paper (printable questions) in your hands.

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What the mediator needs to know

To be articulate, the mediator needs to be incredibly mindful of how important their office is in your past life regression experience.

The mediator should be in a at-home and peaceful free energy state earlier working with you. They should exist aware that you demand minimum sensory distractions from them (such as perfume smells, eating snacks during the session, etc.) They should have their office seriously.

Past life regression mediation can be incredibly powerful and bring upwardly potent emotions. For this reason, your mediator should be a trusted friend or family member. The mediator should be capable, (on a maturity level- emotionally, mentally, and spiritually) of their special role in your experience and always be respectful.

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Preforming a past life regression mediation lonely

It is possible to perform a past life regression session solo. If you would prefer to have the by life experience in private, then you lot can set up yourself accordingly.

First, calm your trunk and mind. Brand sure you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally well and balanced. It would be wise to program to call a friend after to hash out your experience. Or plan on journaling about it.

Make certain you lot are in the correct kind of environment as described earlier in this article. (A darkened, quiet room with minimum sensory distraction.)

While sitting upright, read through all the mediation questions. Let the questions be in your mind for a infinitesimal without thinking of the answers to them but nonetheless.

Next, lay down. Relax your trunk and become into a meditative state of peaceful calm.

Then think over the questions 1 at a time, allowing your heed to meditate deeply into the questions and freely sense the answers that emerge.  *Further instructions in the reading.

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Imagination versus authentic experience

You lot may be wondering, What is the difference between imagining a past life and actually having an accurate vision or feel of a past life? Well, it comes down to knowing yourself and trusting your intuition.

It tin can be a fine line between imagination and authentic vision/ experience. It may take time and practice to be able to slip into the kind of meditative state needed to experience a past life regression. Or, you may enter your meditation experience with ease.

My all-time tip to enter a meditative state is to focus on the regression questions loosely. This is difficult to explain, just what I mean is not to overthink anything. Allow information about your by life seep into your mind via your 6th sense. If you lose your vision at some indicate in the meditation, let your thoughts go loose again. Don't endeavour hard to focus or re-focus. The free energy is about allowing, rather than trying.

Alright. Now let'southward get into the past life mediation questions so you lot tin can begin your session. *Whorl down through the entire reading for the PDF printable version.

By life regression session instructions

Earlier you begin:

Lay down in a comfortable spot in a quiet, darkened room. Equally mentioned in the article, aim for very few sensory distractions. (Sounds, sights, smells, tastes, or tactile distractions.)

Ensure your body is comfortable and your listen is relaxed.

Ensure the same of your mediator, (person helping you by reading the questions) if you're using ane.

Have the mediator read these questions first to know what to expect and where to pause.

If performing the regression session solo, delight read through the questions, try to call back them, and so lay down and offset the meditation. Do not finish to re-read the questions.

For the mediator: Where information technology is written *Mediator Pause* Then please suspension and allow the person meditating to "go" where they demand. Requite them a moment to call up, experience, and sense. Then keep asking questions. Your job is to help guide and prompt the person in the session. When y'all pause is ultimately at your discretion.

For the person meditating: Are yous feeling calm and gear up for your session? When y'all are set, allow'due south begin.

By life regression session reading

You are walking along a path. What does information technology look like?

Proceed walking.

You are coming along to a staircase.

What does it look like?

Have a step up the staircase. Hold the railing.

Expect at the steps equally you lot ascend. Describe them. Describe the railing.

What color are the stairs?

What are they fabricated of?

Do yous hear any noises?

Any physical sensations?

Any smells?

Continue walking.

Are yous yet ascending? Are you descending?

Are you still on a staircase?

*Mediator Intermission*

You are now stepping off the staircase.

Where are y'all?

Do yous hear any noises?

Are there any smells or tastes?

Look at your feet.

Describe your feet, legs, and lower body.

What are you wearing?

Describe your middle body, upper body, and head.

Who are you?

*Mediator Intermission*

Yous are walking up to a gate.

Depict the gate.

What is on the other side of the gate?

Walk through the gate.

Where are you lot now?

*Mediator Break*

What do you see?

What practice you lot feel?

Do y'all smell anything?

What sounds can you hear?

What is the gustation in your rima oris?

Await dorsum at your feet.

And look over your whole torso.

*Mediator Pause*

Where are yous walking now?

Who is effectually?

Are there buildings, copse, or animals?

What do y'all know or sense?

What do you hear?

What is the lighting like?

Expect at the sky.

What is the weather? The season?

Where are y'all in the globe?

*Mediator Pause*

In that location is a building up ahead.

Describe the building.

What is outside the building?

Walk to the building. Peek inside.

Draw what you run across.

Are you going in?

If yes, describe. If no, explicate.

*Mediator Pause*

Describe what you see inside the building.

Draw any tastes, smells, sounds, sights, or physical sensations.

Stay as long equally you like and find the inside.

Keep discussing.

Now exit the building.

Go back over to the gate yous showtime walked through.

Say adieu to where you were.

Go dorsum through the same gate.

Does the gate await the same?

Walk back the style you came.

Walk back to the stairs.

Step onto the outset stride so the adjacent.

Exercise the stairs look the aforementioned?

Are you going upwardly or down the stairs?

Yous've reached the terminate of the stairs.

You have stepped off the stairs.

You're walking abroad from the stairs.

And at present y'all are dorsum.

You are dorsum in the meditation space. You are here where you lot started your meditation.

Take a deep breath. Relax.

Now slowly open your eyes.

This past life arbitration session is over.

How do you lot feel?

Please make sure to emotionally process your experience in a rubber and healthy way. For example, talk about it with a friend, write about it, or limited information technology through fine art.

I promise this past life session has been interesting and you have been able to have a meaningful experience.

Download the past life reading below:

PDF printable past life regression meditation questions.

Last thoughts on by lives versus the present

Most of us take no idea who nosotros were in past lives. Simply some of us accept vivid memories of multiple past lives. It is fascinating to think about who we might accept been before.

Sometimes there are connections between past lives and our electric current lives. For case, having the aforementioned scar on your body. Or attracting the same people, such every bit in the case of soulmates. Karma may play out over multiple lives. And life lessons may repeat.

Only although past life theories are interesting, and past life regression can be fascinating, information technology is important to stay focused on the nowadays. On the life nosotros are living now. The past is gone, whether in this life or a previous life. We can learn from it, simply the present moment is where all the power resides. Always.

Brian Fifty Weiss, Dr., the author of the book Many Lives, Many Masters believes about of usa have lived hundreds of times before. If reincarnation fascinates you lot, I recommend checking out his book if you become the take chances.

I hope you lot enjoy the PDF printable by life regression questions and your by life meditation session yields interesting and/or helpful information for your life.

Delight let me know what you call up! Comment if you have any questions, or would like to share your by life meditation feel!

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