Paypal Sorry We Cant Log You in Try Again Later

  • #one

I'chiliad having credit carte du jour problems; it just says continuously that the transaction was non approved for security reasons.
I chatted with alibaba support, ane amanuensis gave me the appeal page but the entreatment page requires you to select the bill of fare being appealed (of which there are none on file b/c the card is simply saved to file later on you lot use it ane fourth dimension).
I went back to support and the adjacent agent said I don't need to do the appeal, they promised to e-mail me something later tonight; no joy.
Been trying to pay all day. Commonly the bank carte du jour sends a text if something is suspicious and I can approve but naught like that.
I've been trying all twenty-four hours (here it's night as I mail service this).
I went back through the thread and I don't see a solution. I was ready to upload photo id and cred. card. picture but again, that page won't work if the card is not on file. Is this just the alibaba system being weird?
I know others have had bug with it. I do not want to send a wire transfer. This carte du jour works for everything, never fails it's a good card.
It'southward always clean; paid off, etc. I want to do the carte payment for the actress protection for the merely in case scenario.
Exercise I just keep trying? Have tried about 6x now. Offset time information technology took a couple hours to "not piece of work." Now it's pretty fast each fourth dimension.

Their Alibaba support rep wrote, "After consultation, I am sorry to hear that you accept some payment issue for your guild.
After checking in the system, I feel sorry that currently information technology doesn't have credit card for this transaction.
In order to protect the security of the payment in the whole procedure of the social club, every single order and payment on demand to undergo the regular security check and it is extremely confidential. Unfortunately, this transaction failed to laissez passer the security check and any attempts to confronting this decision will non exist considered.
To get your order proceed, nosotros have to suggest you change a payment method to complete the transaction.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Your kind understanding and cooperation are highly appreciated. "

The Platinum card in question is the only payment selection we've got. Anybody else deal with this? Did you find a solution?
They are uninterested in uploading of ID's and photos of credit cards.

  • #2

Sorry mate, I haven't placed my social club with Xuba yet, simply program to this evening or in the morning. I'll written report back if I have aforementioned issues.

  • #5

I was just reading something interesting in relation to my banks cc use overseas.
It states that if a country has a 6 digit pin system and then my card will be declined everyday, I would demand to modify my cc to six digit pin.
Here in oz it'due south a iv digit system.
Not sure if this is relevant or not just I thought I'd share considering I'm hoping for a smoothen transaction.

  • #vi

It declined on me a couple times. And then Amy said employ the appeal which no card showed up. I uploaded I.D. and card and the side by side twenty-four hour period it was approved. And that was on a weekend.


So on the Entreatment page when you uploaded your card and ID, wasn't the <submit> button grayed out?
Mine is grayed out since there is nothing to select on the get-go field "1. Choose the card for appeal" when yous click it says "no options". So the form is waiting for that to be selected to ungray the <submit> button.

  • #9

Just telephone call you CC and tell them it'southward ok to process

Yeah it's a one-act of errors, I called the bank yesterday got through the computer then just waited and waited then asunder lol.
The Alibaba rep emailed me information technology'south not my credit menu failing me it's the Alibaba system marked this guild every bit not allowing whatsoever credit cards?
That I must use some other payment option. It makes some sense that information technology's the Alibaba side since my card never sent an OTP code (usually they text me a code if in that location is some question). Bank may be minimally staffed as we notwithstanding have fairly heavy lockdowns in Metro Manila with curfews.
I'll endeavour again calling them.

@Jeremiah In my experience (just placed my order ii days ago from xuba), you have to attempt different (or mayhap the same 1, I use different ones) cards (volition get declined of grade) until y'all get a "entreatment" button right after your transaction got declined. Just by now when y'all click the "appeal" push, y'all volition exist able to see your cards have been saved on file.

Apparently, you are directed to the appealing page directly by the agents y'all talked to. I guess this could be the reason why you tin not see the cards saved. I would advise you try out making payment multiple times and utilise different cards until y'all meet that "appeal" thing. My start two payment trials were declined and I did not see the "appeal" push. After tertiary try, I appeared. And magically, my first two cards were also saved. Kind of foreign.

OK that'south useful. I've tried near 7 times (only have 1 carte du jour that tin handle the number of cells I'one thousand ownership). I never saw the appeal page as part of the transaction; only when an Alibaba rep gave me the page afterward I pushed for it.

Thanks anybody for the help, I actually capeesh it.

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  • #11

I understand you merely have this one card that has enough credit to cover the whole order. Simply information technology never hurts to endeavour different cards. In my example, once I got that "entreatment" push button and clicked it, I can run into all my previous cards (2 declined cards without "appeal" button + ane declined with appeal button) but showed upwardly in the driblet-down menu. I would recommend you do the same. Maybe our Platinum card will appear magically after you get that "appeal" push button. Then your can upload your ID and pic of your platinum carte du jour to appeal that carte du jour. But a suggestion.

And BTW, you can mark out sensitive info on our ID, like your DOB and some other info. I believe Alibaba just need your name and your address to be matching with the info for your order. At least it is like this in my instance. I know giving out names and addresses is still a concern to some. But it's better than sending the entire ID epitome out.

Ah got information technology. Thanks. I wish I had known that nigh marking out sensitive data. Ironically, the accost on the DL is different since I moved since so.
Will try using other cards to get to that point. Thanks.

  • #12

Another thought.
I'm aircraft to my reshipper in Communist china. So the address that comes upwards by default in the payment page is in Chinese (the address I gave the seller to send to). I delete it and enter the address associated with the card here in the Philippines. Does anyone think this could be flubbing things up?
Perhaps I should enquire the seller to draw up another purchase merely list my dwelling house accost on it, brand the payment, then he can change to the Chinese address?

  • #13

And then funny that it has to exist mysterious why can't they just say clearly what the problem is? I'chiliad sure even using google interpret would be sufficient if they wanted to say what needs to be done.

  • #14

Another thought.
I'm aircraft to my reshipper in Mainland china. And so the address that comes up by default in the payment folio is in Chinese (the address I gave the seller to ship to). I delete information technology and enter the address associated with the card here in the Philippines. Does anyone remember this could be flubbing things upward?
Maybe I should ask the seller to draw up another purchase but listing my dwelling house accost on it, make the payment, then he can change to the Chinese address?

If its not aircraft to your dwelling house address thats a big carmine flag and thats probably the trouble.

  • #sixteen

Ever since the USA started a merchandise war with Prc, I've seen many Chinese sellers no longer willing to send to USA that previously did. I was Verified on Alibaba for years until the contempo USA spat with the Chinese government over COVID-nineteen. Now, when I attempt to re-verify, it says that I tin't due to inappropriate conduct. Information technology doesn't say what it was. I've always paid in total for what I've purchased immediately. I'g no conspiracy theorist, simply I as well know how Asian governments; particularly Cathay; utilize soft ability to put the squeeze on those it doesn't regard favorably. That said, you might try using PayPal.

I only ordered some cell a few days ago and had no problem . hmmm

  • #19

Ever since the USA started a trade state of war with China, I've seen many Chinese sellers no longer willing to transport to USA that previously did.

I'm an American merely I'k in the Philippines. the Philippine gov't is quite friendly with China, and so that shouldn't be an issue. The credit card is likewise Filipino and I have non identified myself every bit American.

I ... That said, you might endeavor using PayPal.

Thanks, I tried PayPal kickoff the seller is unwilling to accept PayPal (information technology's my preferred online method of payment).

If its not shipping to your dwelling address thats a big red flag and thats probably the problem.

Yeah I was thinking this too. I got the seller to make a new club with my home address as the delivery address. Then I tried to pay that one. No Joy.

Information technology declined on me a couple times. Then Amy said use the appeal which no bill of fare showed up. I uploaded I.D. and card and the next mean solar day it was approved. And that was on a weekend. Greg

OK then I followed this since it seems similar your situation is closest to mine. I just tried to pay with a different carte (which I knew would neglect as it has no loot on it), then I tried to pay again with the Platninum card, just to emulate the pattern of success which y'all had Greg. And so here's my question, that Appeal page, there is no link to information technology grade the payment failed page.
I take the link because the 1st back up amanuensis at Alibaba gave me the link when I asked for it.
And then here I uploaded once more my D.50. and C.C. pic to that page, merely since at that place is no card on file the <submit> button is grayed out. How did you get by that? (meet bottom of flick, no manner to click submit). Thanks in advance!

  • #20

Thanks everyone so far for your ideas and comments!
This evening through sat. night are a holiday for me (information technology's virtually night here in the Philippines) so if I don't respond till then I'm yet grateful!


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